The Fund for Wild Nature was founded in 1983 to support the emerging financial needs of grassroots conservation groups. We are a tax-exempt IRS 501(c)(3) charitable organization. The Fund has an all-volunteer board of committed activists that operates with minimal overhead. The board seeks, reviews, and tracks grant requests, insuring that the most urgent, strategic, and cost effective efforts receive funding. The board collectively raises money, sends bi-annual appeals, and produces an Annual Report. The Fund has no endowment, so our ability to support wild nature defense depends on recent donations. Our success relies upon the success of the groups we fund and the generous donors that invest in the Fund for Wild Nature.
(858) FOR-WILD
Our Support
We are pleased to have provided early support to organizations such as Rainforest Action Network and the Center for Biological Diversity, which have gone on to become important players in national and international conservation, but we are equally proud of groups such as the Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project and Los Padres Forest Watch that have spent decades digging in their heels defending wild nature in their local areas. And, of course, a key objective is to identify and fund the critical new projects that are listed as first time grantees in our Annual Reports.
Our Logo
Our logo features the feisty American Badger, an animal well known for its determination and courage. Badgers generally do not seek out confrontations unless they are hunting, but they will effectively and bravely fight back to defend themselves, their families, and their home. The American Badger makes an excellent mascot for the Fund for Wild Nature since our grantees are consistently feisty and effective in their advocacy. In addition, the American Badger ranges across much of the United States and Canada, which is where our grantees do their important work.
Marc Scheff, who generously donated his time and creativity, designed our logo.
Previous grantees, summaries of projects, and our yearly financial information are available in each of our annual reports. Also provided is a list of grantees that includes project summaries, grant years, and links to grantees’ websites.
If you would like a copy of our most recent IRS Form 990 tax return, please send a request to